Dr. Jo Ann Muramoto begins her much deserved retirement on July 1. Jo Ann has guided and overseen science at APCC since 2006. Throughout that period, APCC expanded on our reputation for basing advocacy on sound science. Dr. Muramoto has been an essential contributor to the growth of APCC. Our effectiveness as an advocacy organization remains built in large part on the credible and diligent science that has reflected Jo Ann’s tenure at APCC.

Jo Ann’s knowledge of local issues is encyclopedic. The depth of her connections to local, county, state and federal environmental players are unmatched and have led to countless partnerships that have extended APCC’s reach and effectiveness. Whether you think of herring monitoring, cyanobacteria monitoring, wetland restoration, State of the Waters, or countless local restoration and water quality projects, Jo Ann’s fingerprints are there. Jo Ann’s work has made Cape Cod a better place.

Jo Ann has always been generous with her time and has mentored many at APCC. APCC has a strong staff that Jo Ann has helped prepare to take on expanded roles when the inevitability of her future retirement became a reality. We will tell you more about our plans moving forward at a future date because our current focus is rightly celebrating all that Jo Ann has done for APCC and the environment of Cape Cod.

As is often the case, we approach this send off with a mix of emotions. Mostly though, the entire staff wishes Jo Ann a long and happy retirement and sends her off with great appreciation and admiration for her contributions to our work. We also know where she lives, so…