Pond Stories: Naushon’s Painted Turtles

Pond Stories: Naushon’s Painted Turtles

One summer I was invited to spend several days on Naushon Island, the almost mythical vacation home of the Forbes family, established in 1842 and located across the water from Woods Hole. I was on the lookout for turtles. Specifically, I wanted to know if the painted...
The Last Refuge

The Last Refuge

Government agencies whose actions cannot stand on merit alone often rely on process issues to shield a bad decision in the making from the light of public scrutiny. The proposed clearcutting of 170 acres of forest and disruption of another 200 acres of land atop the...
Pond Stories: Swimming with Snapping Turtles

Pond Stories: Swimming with Snapping Turtles

When I first started swimming in ponds, I was afraid of snapping turtle, and sure enough, on the shore of every pond on Cape Cod I encountered a teen-age boy whose job it was to scare me about the snapping turtles living in that particular pond. “There’s a sunken car...